Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ooo de la lee

Did you know that the Disney Channel occasionally plays old Disney movies in the middle of the afternoon?? No, I don't watch the Disney Channel regularly. Except for Hannah Montana, that is totes my favorite show. (that's on the Disney Channel, right?)

Anyway, what showed up on my guide the other day? The cartoon version of Robin Hood! My favorite Disney cartoon. And that fox Robin Hood was kind of hot for a cartoon...and a fox.

But the best part by far is Prince John. Actually, the actor who voiced Prince John, Peter Ustinov. Thank you IMDB. His performance is brilliant. I find myself laughing out loud to this day. I found a "best of" montage on YouTube and I thought I would share it. If you haven't seen this movie, 1) where have you been?? and 2) go rent it or keep the Disney Channel on. It is bound to be re-aired. I've seen it about 3 times already!


1 comment:

Dantehicks36 said...

Its one of Megan's favorites as well...and if you get a chance, check out peter ustinov on the muppet show...he is brillent.