Alright, so, this is a crosswalk:

You use this to cross the street! Don't be afraid. It is your friend. Please, please, PLEASE don't cross the street with no crosswalk while cars are speeding down the double yellow lined pavement of death.

NO! BAD! No crosswalk! No walking! And if you want to risk it, don't just slowly walk so that the cars have to slam on their brakes that perhaps could cause an accident. RUN!
If you have made it through this tutorial so far, I'm sure you realize now that you should always use the crosswalks and will use them from now on. Now here are some crosswalk edict tips.
This means STOP, or DON'T WALK

This too. This one is easy. Just read it!

Now this one means GO, or WALK

This too. Again, just read it!

Now when the cars have a green light on the street that you are about to cross, that does NOT mean you can cross. Because you will be hit. Now you might think, well duh that is common sense. But I cannot tell you how many times I have seen this happen.
Well that is all for this lesson. I hope you have all learned something. So next time if you cross the middle of the street with no crosswalk or walk/don't walk signs in sight in the middle of rush hour and you are going at a snails pace and I hit you, it's not my fault. You've been warned.